Did you know that we have leaf composting bays in Redmond Park? A master composter came to Wexford last year, invited by the Council and Wexford Tidy Towns, to give guidance and to get us on our way. The bays were built and they took their first consignment of leaves last Autumn. They have not, alas, received as much TLC over the past year as they might have. A recent poke around through the decomposing mounds showed that those collecting and depositing the leaves last year also, unwittingly, deposited loads of litter. As a result we have been carefully going through them to remove said litter. This exercise is also giving us an opportunity to tidy up the bays as, with leaves now dropping in ever greater numbers, we will need two bays completely free for incoming deliveries. By next Summer we should have lovely leaf mold available for the municipal flowerbeds. We can also use it for potting in place of the commercially available peat-based compost. And that's a good for the environment!
The two images give some indication of the before and after - one is full of the divil and all, the other is simply decomposing leaves.